
Website POG 2017

Web-page of the upcoming POG Meeting 2017’ in Turkey is activated …

1st Announcement

The 1st Announcement of the 13th POG meeting is available …

Pine Bay Holiday Resort

The next POG meeting - the 13th International Conference on Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species…

new President

The new President of POG is Gary Loake (UK), the new POG secretary is Krystyna Oracz (Poland),…

Munich 2019

 The next POG meeting (2019) will be organized by Christian Lindermayr and Jörg Durner in Munich…

Frank Van Breusegem

Our new president is Frank Van Breusegem (Belgium), president elect is Gary Loake (UK);…

 SFRR-Europe Meeting

SFRR-Europe Meeting, Athens (Greece), September 23-…


Extended deadline for registration and abstract submission to the POG Meeting in Warsaw 2013.


Deadline for registration and abstract submission to the POG Meeting in Warsaw 2013.


Invitations to join the plant oxygen group on Linkedin has been send to SFRR-members and…
